Re:fresh 2007 sets a date

Cross out the date in your diary. Re:fresh 2007, the fourth edition of the UK’s best-attended conference and awards ceremony for the fresh produce industry, will take place on May 10, 2007, at the London Marriott in Grosvenor Square.

The integrated event, organised jointly by the Fresh Produce Consortium, FPJ and Nexus, encompassing all sectors of the industry, is now an established part of the calendar. Last year’s conference attracted 200 visitors and the awards ceremony was a sell-out, with 580 members of a wide cross-section of the industry present.

Nigel Jenney, chief executive of FPC, said: “Re:fresh has proved a very worthwhile and extremely successful addition to the fresh produce industry in the last three years. In different ways each year, it has highlighted the most positive elements of the fresh produce industry, both from the conference stage and through the presentation of awards to some of the best companies operating in the UK.

“We approach the fourth event - Re:fresh 2007 - with renewed vigour and in the run-up to next May, we will announce a typically challenging and entertaining conference programme, as well as once again inviting you, the people that make fresh produce happen, to put your names forward or nominate your preferred choice for one of the 10 open-award categories.”
