Irene Geoghegan

Irene Geoghegan

Soft fruit breeding R&D company Redeva won the “Science into Practice” award at the Grower of the Year Awards last week.

Redeva, a joint venture between Redbridge Holdings and The Summerfruit Company, was awarded the prize for its successful use of new technology and applied research to develop a commercial business.

The Dundee-based research body uses the latest computer-controlled glasshouse facilities for raising and trialling seedlings, while the testing programme also makes use of the most advanced trialling facilities and technology.

Redeva has seen notable success in speeding up the breeding process for soft fruit.

In particular, the new day-neutral strawberry ‘Susana’, goes through the breeding programme in five years compared to the usual nine to 14 years.

The company planted 120 acres of Susana in Egypt this year and a couple of other strong-performing selections on trial there may be due for commercial release this year, said Redeva’s strawberry development manager, Irene Geoghegan.
