Redbridge's National School Fruit Scheme distribution contract in north-west England has been renewed for a second 12-month period. "We are committed to supporting the scheme and delighted to have won this contract for a further year," said Richard Clements of Redbridge. The company makes 4,000 deliveries a week and supplies 9,000 pieces of fruit to 175,000 schoolchildren aged four to seven in the area from its depots in Wigan and Manchester.
Regional five-a-day co-ordinator for the north-west, Vicky Johnson said: “We have had a fantastic response to the National School Fruit Scheme in the north-west with a 98 per cent uptake from eligible schools in the area. All these schools are keen to continue with the scheme and have started to look at how they can change other activities in school to encourage a healthier diet for the children. Redbridge, along with the other distributors, has been integral to the success of the scheme and we look forward to working with them for the next year.”