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Red Tractor Week 2015 begins on 14 September

Red Tractor Week is aiming for its biggest-ever event with an on-pack sticker competition running across all branded products for the first time.

The promotion offers shoppers the chance to win a farm stay mini-break worth £350 and will be featured on Red Tractor-branded fresh produce, meat, poultry and dairy.

It will begin at the start of Red Tractor Week – Monday 14 September – and has already received backing from the major retailers and discounters. In addition, Red Tractor brand ambassador Alex James will be appearing on TV and radio throughout the week to discuss the on-pack promotion and wider message.

Farmers and growers will be talking to shoppers outside supermarkets to encourage them to look for the Red Tractor promotional packs and explain what it stands for, while the wider industry is being encouraged to get involved via social media and the hashtag #trustthetractor.

Defra minister George Eustice has pledged his support for the campaign and said by choosing Red Tractor, shoppers can show their support for British farmers.

'The Red Tractor label helps shoppers have confidence that the produce they are buying has been grown to British standards,” he said.