Andrew Blenkiron 2

Andrew Blenkiron

Red Tractor Assurance has appointed a former director at Sainsbury's as one of its two new board directors.

Claire Nicholson has been appointed as the new independent director to represent consumer interests, while Andrew Blenkiron joins as vice chairman, replacing NFU deputy president Meurig Raymond.

Nicholson currently holds a range of advisory roles linked to consumer matters, including as a member of The Food Standards Agencies' Consumer Advisory Panel and Advisory Committee. She previously worked as a director for Sainsbury’s in a number of consumer-facing roles. She replaces Diane McCrea, who retired from the board after completing the maximum six-year term.

Meanwhile, currently estate director on the Euston Estate in Suffolk, Blenrikon has previously been an NFU branch and county chairman, and was a founder member of the Staffordshire Rural Hub and West Midlands CBI and Business Council. He replaces Raymond, who left the board in November due to the pressure of other commitments in the NFU.

AFS chief executive, David Clarke, said: “I am delighted to welcome Andrew and Claire to the board. Both are highly experienced individuals who will bring great depth of knowledge and experience to the team. I would also like to thank Meurig and Diane for their invaluable contributions, advice and insight during their tenures.”

Red Tractor is a food assurance scheme which covers production standards developed by experts on safety, hygiene, animal welfare and the environment, among other things.

The Red Tractor logo can be found on a huge range of products, including fruit and vegetables.