Dr Jim Monaghan

Dr Jim Monaghan

Assured Food Standards has announced the appointment of Dr Jim Monaghan as the new chairman of the Red Tractor Fresh Produce Technical Advisory Committee.

Monaghan, who takes over from Bill Harvey, is currently principal lecturer for fresh produce and horticulture at Harper Adams University College. He started his career in research, becoming more involved with fresh produce and horticulture in 2002 when he joined Marks & Spencer as technologist (agronomist) for the salad and vegetable category.

Here he was responsible for varietal development, food safety, pesticide residue minimisation and compliance. Jim also has a wealth of experience in research and teaching and has held positions at HRI and the University of Newcastle upon Tyne.

Professor Mark Tatchell, chairman of the Red Tractor Fresh Produce Board, said: “Jim brings to the Red Tractor Fresh Produce Technical Advisory Committee the powerful combination of a highly respected technical background in both academia and in retail and strong links with the fresh produce industry.

“Jim is currently involved with Marks & Spencer Field to Fork, British Leafy Salads Association, LEAF, Waitrose and is a member of the DEFRA HORTLink Project Management Committee. His experience and technical expertise will be invaluable to the Red Tractor fresh produce sector in helping to maintain and develop effective communications and good working relationships with key stakeholders.”

He added: “Jim will facilitate discussions on the ongoing development of the Red Tractor Fresh Produce standards within the new Red Tractor Farm Assurance harmonised framework. He will help to oversee and progress the implementation of decisions in a timely manner whilst contributing to the technical awareness of the issues facing producers and the industry.”