The burden of red tape must be cleared by the new government, the National Farmers Union has said. Under reform of the Common Agricultural Policy farmers are being asked to produce safe food to high standards while delivering the environmental outcomes demanded by society. Growers and farmers will meet that challenge but excessive regulation makes that task more difficult by constraining the ability of farm businesses to operate competitively, says the National Farmers Union.
NFU president, Tim Bennett, said: “This is a time of great change. Farmers manage 77 per cent of the land and provide food of quality and value to all our citizens. Whatever party wins the election we need effective partnerships to take the agenda forward for us all to benefit from a sustainable future. Any future government has an important role in supporting British agriculture at both European and world trade levels. The new Single Farm Payment must be made on time to ensure effective business planning. The next government should encourage research and development to assist the food chain in maintaining global competitiveness. Food labelling needs to be improved in order to increase consumer confidence and choice. The rules governing the relationship between purchasers and suppliers must be significantly tightened up.”