Red diesel clearance to fight cold snap 'good news'

A relaxation of the rules on the use of red diesel to allow farmers to help grit and clear snow from public roads makes complete sense, the NFU has said.

HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) has recognised the vital role that farmers play across the country during the winter weather and confirmed that red diesel can be used temporarily in tractors on public roads to help provide access to schools, hospitals, remote dwellings or local communities cut off by ice and snow.

NFU regulatory affairs adviser, Ben Ellis, said: “The recognition of the vital work that farmers undertake for local communities in cold weather is a positive step.

"However, this is only a temporary measure and the NFU is calling for a permanent change to allow farmers to use red diesel for gritting operations.

“A consultation is due to take place in the coming weeks on which the NFU will formally respond.”