The agency 23red has been appointed to develop further partnerships, initially within the retail and catering sectors of the food industry, to convey the 5-a-day message to consumers.
It’s task will be to encourage the food industry not only to adopt the brand but also to actively support it.
As part of its activity, 23red is looking to work with current and new partners in the development of large-scale promotional marketing campaigns. These will be designed to raise awareness of the initiative and disrupt existing food shopping and preparation routines. The campaigns will also seek to demonstrate how easy it is to eat more fruit and vegetables without a change in lifestyle. The agency will also be looking to increase access to fruit and vegetables by working with the food industry and increasing provision through schools via the National School Fruit Scheme.
Jane Asscher, managing partner at 23red, said: "5-a-day is an extremely topical and important initiative. We were delighted to be appointed and look forward to working with both the Department of Health and the food industry to change entrenched consumer behaviour in the UK."
Daphne de Souza, senior sponsorship and promotions manager at COI Communications, added: "While there is good basic awareness of the 5-a-day message, people are confused about details such as what constitutes a portion, and whether portions of the same fruit or vegetables count. Some people also perceive a great deal of effort and expense. The business was won by 23red on the strength of both their insight and their strategy to tackle these problems. Their creative ideas demonstrated how the strategy can be swiftly and effectively implemented."