Ian Merton

Ian Merton

MorePeople has launched a premium recruitment business venture.

Imperium is designed to provide the highest levels of service to clients in the appointment of non-executive directors, main board directors and chairmen.

All recruitment will be handled by director Guy Moreton and ex-Sainsbury’s food trading director Ian Merton, who has 40 years’ food experience.

Moreton said: "Ian and I will work closely together to ensure our customers get access to the best available executives to strengthen and develop their main board teams, and we've assembled a panel of high calibre executives from all food disciplines who are available to fill these most senior roles."

Merton added: "Prior to launching Imperium we canvassed several of our key clients and some of our high calibre candidates, and the response to the concept was very positive indeed. In these challenging times, we believe the role of the board and its non executives is even more important than ever if businesses are to thrive and enjoy success in the future, and we feel that, based on our direct involvement and experiences in the food and land-based industries, we can offer ideas and solutions that will help our clients achieve that success."

To tie in with the launch the first of a series of non-executive workshops will be held in Stamford on 13 December outlining the role and value of non-executives to the board.