There is little doubt that the power of the consumer is increasing almost day by day, but often in the debate about the future development of the UK agricultural, food and drink sector, the consumer is left out of stakeholder discussions.
This is now beginning to change radically.
A whole range of issues that impact directly on consumers across the UK are now coming to the forefront; these include the debate surrounding the nations diet, GM and organic labelling, food safety issues, ethical and fair trade practice, the role of corporate governance, marketing, education/information and promotion to children and the reconnection of a largely urban population with the future development of a vibrant rural and food economy.
All of these have huge implications for the UK food and drink sector, not least in how food and drink products are marketed to consumers.
Deirdre Hutton has been involved at the very highest level in UK government and industry in these debates and issues and so has a unique insight as to how they might develop over the next few years and what some of the implications across the food and drink value chain might be.
In addition to her role as chair of the NCC, Hutton holds posts as Vice Chair of the European Food Safety Authority, Chair of the Food Chain Centre, past chair of a DTI Foresight Panel on the Food Chain and Crops for Industry and was a member of the government's Policy Commission on the Future of Farming and Food (Curry Report).