Patrick Hearne, part owner of Capel Mushrooms in Suffolk, competes against his picker Sue Pugh in BBC2's Ready Steady Cook at 4.30pm next Tuesday, March 28.
Working with James Martin, Patrick shows us how to cook cultivated exotic mushrooms whilst Sue and Antony Worrall Thompson match them with organic brown and white cultivated mushrooms. To see who wins, watch the half-hour mushroom special next.
The Mushroom Bureau set up a series of auditions for its mushroom growers and pickers to get selected for Ready Steady Cook. Following fierce competition, Patrick and Sue won their place on this popular show.
RSC attracts a daily audience of at least four million. “The recipes will be featured on the website immediately after the show. Seeing and reading these delicious mushroom dishes must surely prompt consumers to rush out and buy mushrooms next week,” said the Mushroom Bureau.