How have production conditions been for the fruit this season?
It was a good growing season for taste across all varieties. The season was characterised by a wetter summer and drier autumn compared to last year. The challenge growers faced was dealing with Psa.
What is the impact of the Psa disease on this season’s crop?
The impact on the Hort16A crop volume will be significant with a drop in volume of six to eight million trays compared to last season’s record harvest of 29m trays of Hort16A. The green harvest has not been affected by the Psa situation.
And how has it affected producers?
The impact of Psa is most severely felt at the orchard level, with growers who have lost part, or all, of their orchard to Psa suffering significant financial hardship. Outside of growers, all levels of the industry are being impacted from the reduction in volume as are the communities that rely on the kiwifruit industry for a significant part of their local economy.
What is the outlook for the New Zealand industry in the medium-to-long term in terms of this disease?
The industry has struck a recovery pathway with the release of 2,068 hectares of Gold3, a commercialised kiwifruit variety with tolerance to the disease. Gold3 is a kiwifruit variety commercialised in 2010 by Zespri after 10 years of development. It was selected from the extensive Zespri and Plant & Food Research new variety programme for its qualities of high orchard yields, handling characteristics, storage and appeal to consumers determined through in-market sensory work over consecutive seasons.
Subsequent to its commercial release, Gold3 has, to date, shown a greater level of tolerance to Psa than the original Zespri Gold variety, Hort16A. This level of Psa tolerance, combined with Gold3’s commercial qualities, has made it the cornerstone of the recovery pathway from Psa.
This pathway will begin to roll out over the next few years but it is not without risk and will require a high level of vigilance and commitment from the industry for it to be successful. If it is successful there will likely be a fall again in Gold volumes next year and volumes will then begin to recover the following year as the new Gold variety begins to produce.
What is the likely crop volume this year for export and how does this compare with recent seasons?
The total crop volume will exceed 100m trays and will be at a level similar to recent years, excepting 2011 when a record-sized crop of 109.1m trays was produced.
How important a market do growers consider the UK to be?
All markets for kiwifruit are important to New Zealand growers. The commitment of our growers is to provide premium-quality kiwifruit to all markets regardless of size in order to maintain our reputation as the best growers of the crop.
What are the main challenges facing producers this season?
The main challenges are protecting the vines from Psa and replacing at-risk Hort16A with the more Psa-tolerant Gold3. -