Meurig Raymond closeup

NFU president Meurig Raymond and NFU Mutual chairman Richard Percy today (19 March) officially opened Haverfordwest’s newly-refurbished NFU Cymru/NFU Mutual office.

Speaking at the event, just before cutting the ribbon across the new front door, recently-appointed president Raymond, said: “This refurbishment of Agriculture House in Haverfordwest sends a strong message about how important farming is to the county of Pembrokeshire and the important role NFU Cymru plays in representing local farmers.

'I became county chairman of the NFU in Pembrokeshire back in 1989 and have fond memories of all the meetings I’ve attended here over the years. Congratulations to the staff on doing a fantastic job of the refurbishment.”

The new open-plan layout of the office and its improved and modern facilities are home to the team of eight qualified staff, who provide professional agricultural guidance and support to NFU Cymru farmer and grower members in the Haverfordwest area.

In addition to this, insurance and financial services are provided to a wide range of business and personal customers within the locality.

Richard Percy said: “People have always valued good service from local businesses and the NFU Mutual’s philosophy has always been to provide an attentive and personal service for members, whether talking to them on the phone, face-to-face in the office, or visiting them at their businesses or in their homes.

'It is the special link between the NFU and NFU Mutual that makes the business as strong as it is. The refurbishment looks fantastic and improves the service we provide for our customers.”