NFU president Meurig Raymond has reiterated his call for a new domestic agricultural policy in a meeting with secretary of state Liz Truss.
Raymond met Truss on Wednesday, ahead of an NFU Council meeting on Friday (1July), at which the role of government in ensuring Britain's food sustainability will be discussed. The core princples needed for a successful farming industry in England and Wales will also be drawn up.
Raymond said: “Food and farming is of strategic importance to the country. I have stressed to the secretary of state that the NFU is ready and willing to work with government to ensure we have a profitable, productive and competitive farming industry. That work must start now.
“We must take this opportunity to build a new domestic agricultural policy that is shaped to meet our needs - a policy that allows farmers and growers to prosper while delivering the nation’s home-grown food.'
Key asks for the NFU include gaining clarity on the future of support payments and guaranteeing that farmers remain competitive against their EU counterparts.
“It will be essential that we are not disadvantaged during the future trade negotiations and government must not allow an open door policy to imports produced to lower standards,' Raymond added.
Regulation is another hot topic, and following the loss of the use of neonicotinoids Raymond said Britain has a 'golden opportunity' to make science-based decisions.