According to Freshuelva, the association that represents the majority of growers in the principal growing area of Huelva, Andalusia, the rise in area dedicated to raspberry production has led to the change in fortunes. “This season has been complicated for prices because of excess production,” a spokesman for a group of Freshuelva producers said. They have also said they hope to “avoid an increase in acreage dedicated to this crop.”
Planted area has risen by some 60 per cent since 2004 to reach 1,200ha in 2007. The steady rise in exports of the product worldwide in recent seasons has attracted more growers to the product as a means of diversifying out of strawberry production. Volumes have reached 6,700 tonnes annually compared to 4,000t in 2005.
Yields are approximately 400g per plant and the vast majority of volume is Glen Lyon with a very small percentage of Tulameen.
Prices for the fruit on UK markets last week were 72p for a 125g punnet compared to 75p for the same week last year. As FPJ went to press this week, average wholesale market prices in the UK had risen to 109p.
Meanwhile, Spanish strawberry sales have climbed 20 per cent on last year in the season so far, according to Freshuelva with exports to other EU member states on the rise and prices marginally better than last season too. Freshuelva president José Manuel Romero said the situation at the end of the season is “acceptable”.