Raspberry supplies are looking good, with the Scottish crops peaking this week due to a slight delay because of colder weather in the north.
Jill Ayre, AFI's UK account manager, confirmed the summer fruit crop was almost over and autumn crops are looking promising and ready to meet increasing demands from consumers.
Ayre told freshinfo: 'We have summer and autumn raspberry crops. Summer fruits typically come in June and July, and autumn ones in September and October.
'Summer varieties are Glen Ample and Tulameen, and in the south of England – where the weather in warmer – the summer fruit crop is almost over and we are awaiting the arrival of autumn varieties, so we are in a dip in terms of production.
'In Scotland, the weather is obviously colder, and raspberries are later so they are at their peak this week.
Next week will see their volumes decrease.
'Fortunately weather has been kind over this period and we've seen good volumes from Scotland which can be a difficult area depending on the weather.' Looking at varieties due to arrive in the autumn Ayre added: 'Varieties on the horizon are Joan Squire, Autumn Bliss and Joan J. Everything's looking good and we've so far had a reasonable season.
'Demand from retail customers has been good and we're pleased with the way the crop has been taken up. We think it has been a good season to date.'