The Apple and Pear Research Council (APRC) and the Horticultural Development Council (HDC) are to merge next spring.

The two levy bodies welcomed the statement from Lord Whitty, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State at Defra which said they will be joined on April 1, 2003.

The announcement follows the University of Reading economic evaluation review that concluded with the recommendation that the fruit industry would benefit from the two organisations merging.

'This change will provide a common focus and clarity and allow for significant cost savings, thus ensuring more levy goes to R&D,' said HDC chairman Colin Harvey. 'We very much welcome working for the apple and pear growers and continuing to meet their specific R&D needs.' APRC chairman Professor Ian Swingland added: 'The APRC and HDC are now embarking on a process to ensure the smooth transition of R&D projects and related communications activities within the timescale ahead of us.'