The export of dates from Israel during the month of Ramadan in 2005 which just ended amounted to 6,500 tonnes, eight per cent more than the same period last year.
Davidi Marom, general manager of Hadiklaim Dates Growers’ Association, said that consumption of dates during the month of Ramadan is at its height, totaling half of the annual export volume, which amounts to 12,500t. The increased Muslim population in Europe is the main market target due to the traditional consumption of dates during Ramadan.
Hadiklaim’s main marketing destinations are the UK, France, Spain, Italy, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, and North America, Australia and the Far East. Hadiklaim has exclusive marketing deals with some of Europe's largest food chains.
There are 180,000 date trees in Israel on an area of 1,500 hectares planted in the eastern parts of the country - the Jordan Valley, Bet She'an Valley, the Dead Sea and Arava regions. Marom noted that the dates growing sector has clear advantages for the national economy, as date trees can be irrigated with marginal water, the trees can withstand climatic changes, and in view of the steady increase in the demand for dates, especially in Europe's colder countries, Israel has a great potential to further increase the export of dates in the future, he said.