'What does the British Potato Council do for potato growers?' 'Why was it decided to support the proposal levy increase?' 'Why has no BPC representative come to our meeting?' These were three of the questions about the BPC posed at the NFU's potato surgery, which took place in London last week.

Grant Burton deputy chairman mentioned the BPC's R&D programme as being of help to growers. After frank and difficult debate, he said there had been a majority decision to support the increased levy 'but with provisos.' These included the BPC should continue to look for more efficient methods of levy collection and to consider the option of collecting on a tonnage system in the future.

'If we find our conditions are not met I think we will decide things have to change. They are at the last chance saloon,' he said.

Members would have an opportunity in three years to vote on the future of the BPC. However 'If there is change as a result of the Curry report, then we will look to see if BPC cannot be incorporated on the marketing side to more effect'.

Chairman Graham Morton added: 'I think the BPC is well overdue to be re-directed in a different way.' He also said, 'there are countries envious of our BPC.' One criticism of BPC's marketing was of its Chip Week when, it was pointed out posters were put up in fish and chips shops, 'when you are in there anyway.' It was reported that no BPC representative had attended the surgery because the council was holding a grower meeting in Shropshire.