PVGA re-brands as British Growers Association

The Processed Vegetable Growers Association (PVGA) has changed its name to British Growers Association.

The organisation has chosen the new name because in the 42 years since its formation it has become more involved with fresh produce and it wants its scope and influence to be clearer.

“Our original purpose was to provide information, advice and assistance to growers of vegetables for processing. The vining pea sector still remains our largest single area of activity,” chief executive Martin Riggall has said.

“However, our involvement with fresh produce has grown to the extent that it now accounts for half our income and we needed a new name to give a strong, meaningful and all-inclusive brand to our activities.”

British Growers Association has provided a home for specialist crop associations for over 30 years. As well as asparagus, brassicas, herbs, leafy salads, leeks and onions, the portfolio now also includes summer fruits, plant propagators and turf.

These associations fulfil an essential function for their respective sectors - establishing R&D priorities for statutory levy-funded research, generic promotion, crisis management, market intelligence gathering, and dissemination of information through conferences, technical events and other communications.