Redarling sprouts

Redarling sprouts

Purple sprouts are set to be on the menu this Christmas.

The Redarling variety, grown in Lincolnshire, is set to hit the shelves at Waitrose this week, followed by Asda and The Co-operative in coming weeks.

The variety, which is sweeter than the traditional green-coloured sprout, has been three years in the making, and boasts the same vitamin and nutritional benefits as the traditional Brussels sprout.

George Read, production director at Staples Vegetables, which grew the product, said: 'Redarling has created some real innovation in terms of colour and taste in the Brussels sprout category.

'Its vivid eye-catching appearance is particularly attractive to children, and itsand its milder, sweeter flavour has ensured a great eating experience, driving sales with existing and new Brussels sprout consumers. We are expecting great sales over this year's Christmas period.”

While the variety has appeared in stores in previous seasons, this is the biggest roll-out so far, and will see the product being sold nationwide.

The Redarling sprout will be sold in 300g packs, as well as on the stalk.