Pump price rises drive motorists to local shops

Latest research shows that not only do shoppers who watch their budgets by topping-up rather than buying in bulk help the convenience and independent sectors, but also rising fuel prices could be making people think twice before driving off to their nearest supermarket.

IGD ShopperVista research out this week found that 53 per cent of shoppers said they would shop less frequently to save on the number of journeys they make if the cost of filling up at the pumps keeps rising. And some 48 per cent plan to use stores nearer to them to save on petrol costs, while 32 per cent would consider doing more online food shopping.

IGD chief executive Joanne Denney-Finch said consumers are adapting to higher fuel prices: “Shoppers are not taking things lying down and instead are planning several ways to minimise the impact. Nearly half of them, especially younger ones and those in the Midlands, said they will use shops nearer to them to save on petrol costs. This intention to use more local shops could potentially provide a boost to convenience stores.”

But wholesalers supplying retail market stalls and independent greengrocers are not necessarily feeling this effect. One Manchester wholesaler told FPJ: “You have to remember that a lot of the major retailers also have their own smaller, local and convenience format stores. Put it this way, we are not seeing a lot of greengrocers opening up.”

His views were echoed by a Nottingham trader: “I wouldn’t say that we have been serving any more gear to our retail market and independent customers. I don’t think people really consider their petrol going to the supermarket, but if they did, there are so many supermarkets around now, you don’t have to travel far to get to any of them.”