The fresh produce industry is showing unprecedented confidence about its prospects for 2004, according to the latest report ñ Fresh Produce Industry, First Edition 2004 ñ from Plimsoll. The Stockton-based publisher found that 32 per cent of the 1,000 companies it surveyed are brimming with confidence and set to exploit a buoyant market. The report found they have built a strong business, getting ahead of the competition in 2003, and setting themselves up for continued expansion in 2004. In fact, according to Plimsoll sales are expected to increase at an average 10 per cent.
Some 49 per cent should see 2004 the same as this year and 19 per cent will find it more difficult.
"This shows that the industry is starting to understand its market and is enjoying stability," said David Pattison, senior analyst at Plimsoll. Those facing a difficult year will be carrying their past financial difficulties into 2004 - many are losing money and their immediate concern, is to reverse this loss-making. "Acquisition is going to be the easiest route for some of them to help bring them back into the game," said Pattison.
"I think these findings prove how industry averages disguise the reality of what is really going on in the market and how easy it is for business leaders to misread the market. To see the facts you really need to look at these individual companies and see the different challenges each face in 2004."