For an industry where any surplus is slowly being squeezed out of the margins, there seems to be something in the air of late. Promotion, an issue long since abandoned in favour of EDLP, or wring-every-last-drop-of-value-out-of-the-product, appears to be back in vogue. And thank goodness for that. We’re not just talking 50p off and a free ticket to EuroDisney either - although EurepGAP delegates might have had their fill of the latter - the industry appears to be digging deep and getting creative, affirming messages out to the consumer.
The winter berry campaign is just the latest example of this and is to be applauded. The concept of a campaign to promote imported produce might horrify some in the sector, but counter-season promotions can be extremely effective, and maintain momentum for when the home-season kicks in.
With this kind of positive attitude in the air, the FPC’s proposal to launch the generic Eat in Colour campaign could not be better timed. Now is the opportunity for the industry to really push itself forward and reap the rewards.
On another matter, it is always good news to hear about a success story in the industry, particularly when it involves one of our Re:fresh winners. Fresh Direct, already an innovative company, has shown it is not sitting back and waiting for things to happen - it is out there making them happen.