Farming and food production students from the University of Lincoln have returned from a study trip to France made possible by funding from Produce World.

Seven students undertook the three-day field trip to research food production methods and sustainable resources management.

The students, all key members of staff at leading food and agriculture companies, are studying for their foundation degree at the university’s Holbeach campus while on day release from their jobs.

During their stay in the Bordeaux region, they visited the operations of Pot au Pin, one of France’s leading carrot and leek producers with a substantial export business to the UK.

The tour was organised by the Institut des Sciences de la Nature et de l’Agroalimentaire de Bordeaux.

David Stainton, principal lecturer at the University of Lincoln, said: “It was a highly successful trip and the educational benefits for the students were huge. They experienced types of agriculture they have not seen before and on a scale, which was really quite extraordinary. The trip really opened their eyes to how sustainable resources management is practised in France.”

He said students had been impressed by the sheer scale of the operations in France, especially at Pot au Pin, and intrigued by the way different legislation affected the work of French producers.

Members of the group will now prepare presentations on the visit, concentrating on resource and environmental management, business development and market trends, and present their reports to Produce World.

The company initially offered the university £500 for a scholarship, but doubled the gift when details of the innovative European study programme were proposed. The government’s matched funding scheme also contributed to the trip.

Group HR director at Produce World David Frost said: “We are delighted to support this excellent initiative and look forward to a continued partnership with Holbeach.”

Up to 10 students a year for the next three years will benefit from Produce World’s gift by travelling to Europe to find out about food supply from an international perspective.

Produce World is also establishing a charity called The Growing Trust, with the aim of supporting educational and environmental projects in East Anglia and the surrounding areas.