Employers in the fresh produce sector are wanted for a new steering group to look at the skills and training needs of the sector.
Louise Codling, skills consultant for fresh produce at the National Skills Academy for Food and Drink Manufacturing, says the group will give employers a chance to highlight the priority areas for training and development they need to help their businesses flourish.
She said: “Fresh produce is an increasingly important network for the National Skills Academy and the steering group will be a way of getting employers together and giving them a voice.
“The aim is to provide an open forum for employers to look at skills, how they are currently met and how they can be improved. The aim is to create a working group which, with as wide a range of employers involved as possible, will bring added benefit to the way training is provided in the sector.
“It is essential we form partnerships with employers to ensure the work we do will be address their present and future skill needs.”
Codling is part a new skills consultant team created during a restructure of the National Skills Academy and its parent organisation Improve, the food and drink sector skills council.
It is hoped the steering group’s first meeting can be held by the end of the year.