The forecast comes from market analyst Plimsoll Publishing which has found that relative to inflation and the performance of other market sectors, fresh produce growth is healthy. 'Of the 600 or so market sectors we look at, 250 are in decline, so growth of 1.1 per cent is relatively high and is double inflation,' said Plimsoll senior analyst David Pattison.
But achieving this growth does not come without risk. Although 92 companies in the UK fresh produce sector managed 31.7 per cent sales growth last year, they have not managed it without risk; 42 of them are named in Plimsoll Publishing's 2002 First Edition as putting themselves in high financial risk.
Nor is the growth average good for all the 1,000 companies analysed. Plimsoll predicts that half of the industry may not see any growth at all in 2002 and cold lose 13.6 per cent of sales on average this year. 'Adding to their distress two thirds of these companies saw profits fall in 2001 and almost 36 per cent are loss making,' said a Plimsoll spokeswoman.
The company has named some of the highest market share earners with the top nine in descending order of size of company: Hilton Food Group, Greenvale AP, Fresh Fruit Services, Wadecrown, Hart Worldwide, T Chothram & Sons (London), Hedon Salads, Huntapac Produce and Hart & Friedmann.
Competitive pressure is growing in the industry, according to Plimsoll and undoubtedly growth at some of the top performers has been achieved through aggressive acquisitions. 'I don't think directors realise how necessary it is to know how other companies in the market are performing,' said Pattison. 'Every director must factor in competitive behaviour into company thinking. Plimsoll hopes to put this revealing information in the hands of the decision-maker.
The 1,150-page analysis from Plimsoll is available for £305 by calling 01642 626400. Journal readers receive a five per cent discount if they mention this article on ordering.