The email scam reported on freshinfo last week has taken a more serious turn, as alleged fraudsters appear to have obtained produce using the identity of Lincolnshire importer Davis Worldwide, among others.

The case has been taken on by the Serious Fraud Office, which confirmed to Davis that it is investigating other similar allegations within the fresh produce industry in the UK.

The police are in possession of documents bearing Davis’s logo and stamp that have been signed as though issued by the firm - although they have not been.

It appears that the suspected fraudsters have obtained lorry-loads of tomatoes, which have been traced to at least one large wholesale market in the UK.

The value of product that seems to have been obtained in this manner from UK fresh produce firms has been estimated by insiders to total some £1 million.

The Fresh Produce Consortium (FPC) has been raising awareness of the issue among its membership through its weekly mailing and online newsletter.

FPC ceo Nigel Jenney said: “Last week, we gave some practical advice on avoiding identity theft fraud for our members to follow and appealed for any firms that suspect they are victims of such activity to come forward. Since then, we have had only a limited number of members contact us to say they have been affected, so it is hard to tell if this is a widespread problem or not.”
