The PLMA Yearbook provides statistical profiles of market shares by value and volume for seven major European markets including the UK. According to PLMA data, the UK is the European leader in terms of volume share for 2003, with the private label market share more than 35 per cent.
The Yearbook reports on the performance by volume and value for more than 2, 000 categories. Share gains were had in the UK fruit and vegetable sector; private label share by volume exceeded 60 per cent, and fresh fruit (non citrus) was the highest gaining category in terms of market share points both by volume and value in 2003.
In the top 20 product categories by volume, frozen fruit juice was ranked first with fresh bananas second and fresh salad products packaged in16th place. The president for the PLMA Brian Sharoff stated that “statistical trends across Europe show that private label has made enormous gains in several countries…The implication of these gains is that consumers are becoming more and more favourably inclined to purchasing private label…the results of greater attention to quality, packaging and innovation by today’s retailer.”