HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

HRH The Duke of Edinburgh

The Duke of Edinburgh has hosted a reception to launch a Festival of Food and Farming that will take place in the capital in 2013.

More than 100 food and farming dignitaries including DEFRA secretary and state Caroline Spelman were at St James’s Palace to show support for the event.

Prince Phillip was a patron at the previous Festival of Food and Farming that drew more than one million people in 1989.

He said he wanted to put on an event that would help city dwellers appreciate what they are buying.

“Now that the majority of the population live in towns and cities, there is every reason to draw attention to the fact that just 3 per cent of the working population produce about 80 per cent of the food consumed by the whole population of this country.

“The last time the Festival of Food and Farming was organised in London was in 1989 and it was a huge success. Now, over twenty years later, it would seem about time to repeat such a venture for the benefit of a whole new generation of urban consumers.”

The Festival of Food and Farming will be known as Farming in the Park and will take place in Hyde Park from 26-29 September 2013.

Director Guy Smith said the support the idea has received could make it every bit as successful as the 1989 event.

“We’ve been overwhelmed at how the food industry and the farming community have welcomed plans for this festival. If we could put this show together on enthusiasm alone there’s no doubt it would be the biggest and most spectacular exhibition of British talent the nation has ever seen,” he said.

“The potential for London families, who may never have seen a farm before, to find out where their food comes from, is immense. Now we need to turn this enthusiasm into commitment.”

Prince Charles has also been speaking out about British farming. He said when he started a campaign with the Soil Association seven years ago to improve hospital food "the subject wasn't popular".

But he has said hospitals are now delivering some of the best British food. In an article penned for The Sun newspaper he has said good hospital food doesn't just help patients, it aids farmers too.

Celebrity chef James Martin's has also shown his support for the campaign by saying his positive experience of transforming patient food at his hometown hospital has inspired him to help other NHS Trusts.
