New Zealand Prime Minister Helen Clark has backed her country’s apple growers in their fight against Australian import barriers.

Clark told reporters she has "had a gutsful" of Australian tactics, after a protest march through Hastings by apple growers calling on their government to be more forceful in negotiations with Australia on the issue.

Apple Action Group spokesman John Bostock asked why the government was saying the apple access issue would be solved soon, when history showed Australia was not prepared to make concessions.

"The growers have had a gutsful and so have we," Clark replied. "I think our patience has not been properly rewarded.

"Apples are something I've been taking up with (Australian PM) John Howard ever since I became prime minister.

"We have inscribed the issue with the World Trade Organisation committee and we will take the next step if we don't get justice there."

Bostock said Australia would just keep using its "famous delaying tactics" unless the New Zealand government takes stronger action.

Australia's stated reason for banning New Zealand apples, that they could carry fire blight, is scientifically unsound, he said. "And they take our bud stock - which can carry the disease."
