Aldi and the other discounters continue to up their share

Aldi and the other discounters continue to up their share

Year-on-year growth at Aldi has hit a record 23.9 per cent in the 12 weeks to November 2, 2008 - reflecting the onward march of retailers with a strong price positioning, according to the latest figures from TNS Worldpanel.

The total discounter sector - Aldi, Lidl and Netto - now stands at a record 6.2 per cent market share for the 12-week period.

In stark contrast, the premium end of the market is coming under intense pressure as the credit crunch bites, with the growth rate at Waitrose falling back progressively for the last eight reporting periods and now standing at 1.3 per cent year-on-year growth.

Of the big four, Asda and Morrisons are outperforming the market, with growth rates of nine and 9.4 per cent respectively.

But Tesco’s share has come under pressure, with its share dropping from 31.3 per cent in the last 12-week period to 30.9 per cent this time.

Sainsbury’s recorded a fall of just 0.1 points, from 16 to 15.9 per cent. Ed Garner, director of research at TNS Worldpanel, said: “The Sainsbury’s performance is surprisingly robust, with share virtually unchanged in the context of a market increasingly driven by value-based messages.”

TNS also revealed that grocery price inflation has started to fall back and the figure for the 12-week period ending November 2 has dropped to 8.9 per cent, from 9.3 per cent last time.
