Without wanting to delve too deeply into the allegations and counter-allegations surrounding Thanet Earth at the moment, the whole incident does go to highlight the lack of understanding from the general public, the media and perhaps even the unions themselves towards the industry’s particular labour requirements.
The public has always been suspicious of seasonal labour, especially when it involves an influx of a large number of workers from abroad.
People don’t understand the seasonal fluctuations and how they affect a recruiter’s need for staff at any given time.
You only need to look at the level of council and community support you need to put up facilities for seasonal staff - something that is actually being done for the benefit of workers - for evidence of this lack of understanding. It is a battle that polytunnel users know all too well.
Of course the unions, the GLA and the industry have to stamp out any cases of worker neglect, and quite right too.
But in this age of large-scale production perhaps a public awareness campaign is needed to help consumers understand the peculiarities of labour sourcing in our industry.
• Next week a team of runners from FPJ and Market Intelligence will be heading to Hyde Park to take part in the World Cancer Research Fund’s annual Beat the Banana! race.
If you’d like to offer your support in the form of a donation to the charity, we’d welcome it. Any donations will be gratefully received via our team page at http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/team/runnerbeans.