PotatoEurope 2009 in Emmeloord, the Netherlands, has decided to once more include the Innovation Award, based on its success during the previous edition in 2005.

The award will be handed out to the most innovative and ingenious produce or service in the field of potatoes, as well as those with market potential.

According to manager Paulien Hoftijizer, the Innovation Award 2009 has been very popular. He said: “We have seen an increase in entries this year compared to last time. Some exhibitors may have seen the PR opportunities this award has given the previous winner in 2005.

The jury judging the award has chosen a shortlist of 13 entries. There is a trend across several entries of energy-saving production, as well as a focus on developing healthier, less calorific products.

PotatoEurope is an annual agricultural event, consisting of an exhibition, field demonstrations and an international congress providing discussion forum for all sectors of the potato industry. It takes place on September 8-10.
