A research team is being backed by The Food and Drink iNet is to turn the spotlight on the potato supply chain's water usage from growing to processing.

Researchers hope that by understanding the water footprint of potatoes they will be able to look at ways of helping potato producers and processors to adapt to the potential effects of climate change and how to cope with less water.

It is the first time that anyone has looked in the East Midlands at the potato supply chain in relation to its water catchment - and the future risks to the industry in what is one of the country’s prime potato growing areas.

Experts at The University of Northampton are working with colleagues at the University of Lincoln, Cranfield University and Lincolnshire potato company Branston Ltd on the project, which is one of five Collaborative Research and Development grants worth a total of more than £235,000 announced by the Food and Drink iNet, which co-ordinates innovation support for businesses, universities and individuals working in the food and drink sector in the East Midlands.

Funded by East Midlands Development Agency (emda) and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), the Food and Drink iNet is one of four regional iNets that has developed an effective network to link academic and private sector expertise and knowledge with local food and drink business innovation needs.

Dr Margaret Bates, reader in sustainable waste management at the University of Northampton, said: “Businesses are becoming increasingly aware of the importance of water in their supply chain, not only for security of supply, but also for the environmental impacts caused by water use.

“Any disruption of water in the supply chain can impact significantly on a business’ ability to operate and deliver; therefore a greater understanding of water usage will enable companies to adopt strategies to mitigate against future scarcities and impacts of climate change.”

The Water Footprint of the Potatoes Food Chain project has been awarded £50,000 towards the £62,500 cost of the research.
