Pembrokeshire potato event teaches kids link between farming and food
Over 1,000 schoolchildren in South Wales learnt first-hand about the link between farming and food at an event held by the Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society.
‘Food Story/Stori Bwyd’ at the Pembrokeshire County Showground focused on potato growing, production and supply and drew some 1,300 children aged from five to 16
During the event, potato growers – as well as dairy, sheep and poultry farmers – from all over the county volunteered their time to talk to the children and give hands-on demonstrations.
They explained to the children how they produce potatoes, dairy products, eggs and meat. They also demonstrated how they farm sustainably, look after local wildlife and how they care for the countryside.
The children also got the opportunity to taste locally produced jacket potatoes.
Kathy Wilson, a former teacher and now an Honorary Pembrokeshire Show Governor, organised the event on behalf of the Society’s Food Story / Stori Bwyd.
She said: “One of the important elements of Pembrokeshire Agricultural Society’s work is educational and spreading the word around the county about how local food is produced by farmers. Everyone enjoyed eating the jacket potatoes after they had learnt how hard the farmers work to produce them.”
As well as food production, the event was an opportunity to teach the children about the seasonality of what farmers produce locally and how the weather and climate affects the work farmers do as well as the different food groups and healthy eating.
Food Story volunteers will be at the County Show on 20 and 21 August 2025 with an interactive display and demonstrations for children to have fun and take part in to learn where their food comes from.