Potato growers in Scotland and the North of England are invited to the British Potato Council sponsored Potatoes in Practice convention on August 5. The Scottish Crop Research Institute is hosting the event at its Dundee facility. Potatoes in Practice will focus on issues such as novel tactics to minimise potato bruising this harvest, different application techniques for controlling blight, reducing diseases such as black dot and the role of innovative diagnostic tools to combat soil-borne diseases.
The convention has been extended to incorporate field demonstrations by CSC PotatoCare and others.
Some 400 leading growers, merchants and agronomists are expected to attend and there will also be marquee displays by a number of participants. The main lure is a large number of on site trials demonstrating ongoing research projects, theories and variety demonstrations. Many of the plots will be of strong interest to both seed and ware growers.
"Potatoes in Practice is unique in making the results of the trials and demonstrations available at the end of the year in a booklet free to BPC levy payers and everyone who visits the event," said the BPC’s Louise Chapman.
"With the latest technology available from the UK’s top potato research organisations and many leading potato companies, we hope the industry will make time to attend the event," she adds.
Potatoes in Practice 2004 is being staged from 10am to 4pm on August 5 at the SCRI Gourdie Farm site in Invergowrie, Dundee.