Potato power helps rowers smash record

A team of rowers have broken the record for rowing across the north Atlantic, with a little help from a potato.

The Vivaldi Atlantic 4 made the crossing in just 39 days, smashing the previous record of 55 days, held by Tom McClean since 1987.

The four-man crew are Steve Dawson, 44, from Boston, Lincolnshire, Nigel Morris, 41, and George Rock, 42, both from Ingleby Barwick, Teesside and Rob Munslow, 27, from Monmouth, Wales.

Having encountered everything from icebergs (not the lettuce) to 60 foot waves, during the crossing from Newfoundland, the team are looking forward to being back on dry land in the UK.

However before then, they are now continuing their row into Falmouth to become the first rowing boat in history to row land to land into mainland UK.

Their boat, Naturally Best, takes its name from the company behind the Vivaldi potato.

Mark Powell, marketing director, said: “I have been talking to the crew daily and even though many times the elements were against them, they never lost their spirit and determination to succeed.

“We are all very proud of them and offer them many congratulations on such a fantastic achievement.”

All proceeds raised through various fund raising events surrounding their adventure will go to their nominated charity, The Meningitis Trust.
