The Potato Council has received rave reviews from local authorities for its Spuds Rule OK! menu planners.
The booklet was produced to help caterers and school meal providers meet the government’s nutritional guidelines for school meals, while promoting the use of potatoes.
The free planner acts as a training aid for local authorities and school caterers, many of whom are requesting additional copies to circulate to staff.
One adviser for childcare and education services for 0-5-year-olds in the Wirral authority said: “Spuds Rule Ok! is well produced and full of useful information. We’ve already passed it onto our day care providers, children centres and nurseries, and we’ll continue to use it as part of our training days. With health and nutrition such a crucial factor for the under fives the menu planner is a really valuable resource.”
The booklet features nutritional advice, plus hints and tips on getting the most out of potatoes the perfect food, as well as a two-week menu planner for primary schools developed by the British Nutrition Foundation.
Potato Council marketing executive Heike Boelk said: “The need for healthy and nutritionally balanced meals in schools is still very much a hot topic for caterers and school meal providers, who are under increasing pressure to meet the government’s nutritional guidelines, while also satisfying children’s appetites.
“It’s encouraging to see that the booklet has been so well received by local authorities and we hope to see an increase in usage of potatoes in this sector as a direct result.”
The Spuds Rule Ok! brochure is available to growers supplying the sector, to pass onto their customers.