Guy Poskitt

Guy Poskitt

The time has come for retailers to make good on their promises, the acting chairman of the NFU’s Horticulture and Potatoes Board has said.

Guy Poskitt hosted Tesco at a meeting of the NFU council recently, during which the retailer indicated that two-year contracts may be offered to those fresh-produce suppliers that want them. Poskitt said: “I explained that in horticulture, two-year contracts may still not be long enough and I insisted that the contracts need not only to be based on volume, but also on value. Tesco also confirmed that they had no desire for their suppliers not to make a profit, and neither did their customers.”

But a 14 per cent drop in farm incomes announced by DEFRA at the end of last month throws this commitment into sharp focus. Poskitt said: “This has to be a huge concern to us all. DEFRA's figures may come as no surprise following the wettest year in a century, but this is a stark reminder of how important it is to more fairly balance risk and reward. Tesco, and all other retailers, please take note.”