Yorkshire vegetable grower Guy Poskitt has today been elected as the new chairman of the NFU national horticulture and potatoes board.
Poskitt replaces Sarah Dawson, who has stepped down after five years as chairman.
Soft-fruit grower Anthony Snell has stepped down as vice-chairman, but remains the soft-fruit representative on the board. A replacement vice-chairman is due to be elected in May.
Poskittproduces more than 50,000 tonnes of carrots each year, as well as various other produce such as pumpkins, potatoes, swedes and parsnips.
He said: “I am looking forward to taking on the role as chairman and with it the many challenges facing the country’s growers; from ensuring the industry can adapt in a post-SAWS world, to changes that will affect us as a result of reforms to CAP.'
Dawson added: “I’ve thoroughly enjoyed working with the board to obtain the best possible outcomes for the industry, over issues such as European regulations on pesticides, residues, approvals, nitrates and reform of the Common Agricultural Policy.
'The launch of Catalyst for Change and the recent announcement by Tesco to extend its direct relationships and contracts work into fresh produce is a really great outcome and a huge achievement for the NFU.
“I leave the board and the NFU Horticulture and Potato team in a strong position, and would like to wish the newly-elected chairman every success. The time is right for fresh eyes, expertise and enthusiasm, to take the industry forward.”