Pomegreat: New 100% pure drinks

Pomegreat: New 100% pure drinks

A new 100% pomegranate juice drink aimed at health-seeking purists is set to enter the UK market.

Leading pomegranate juice producer Pomegreat is introducing the drink, Pomegreat Pure, to attract those who want the antioxidant health benefits of the fruit in its purest form.

Pomegreat Pure is available this week from Waitrose stores in a 500ml bottle. It is a blend of two varieties of hand cut pomegranates and is set to be sold at £3.29 RRP.

Rob Sutton, Pomegreat marketing director, said: “Pomegreat Pure has been developed in response to the demand from adult health-seekers - people who are aware of the innate health properties of the pomegranate plant and are looking for it in its purest form.

“Pomegreat Pure is a premium juice that delivers outstanding flavour, with natural sweetness and complexity,” he said.

At present the pomegranate juice sector is worth £33 million and the launch of Pomegreat Pure is set to drive the category further forward by offering consumers a premium-quality product.

Researchers at the University of Sussex, on behalf of Pomegreat, have discovered that poor libido can be stimulated by drinking fruit juice. Pomegranate juice came out tops - beating cranberry and orange juice - for stimulating both sexual interest and sexual intensity.

Pomegreat also produces Pomegreat Original and with Blueberry, Raspberry, Ruby Orange and Pomegreat & Açai.
