Almost two-thirds of freshinfo readers believe the national media is to blame for the recession.
Voting in this week’s freshinfo poll revealed that 62 per cent of respondents believe the media has talked the UK into recession.
One pollster said: “Banks have put us into recession, but the media surely don’t help. If tomorrow they started saying things are better, what would happen to the FTSE, exchange rates and spending?”
Another respondent in the poll agrees that the original problem may have been with the banks, but that the media has since exacerbated the situation. He said: “People (stupidly) believe the media, even when it’s only a journalist’s point of view.”
However, not all respondents agree that so much blame can be placed at the feet of journalists. One said: “If you keep depressing prices falsely and put too much pressure on the supply chain then that will lead to deflation. This will be a lot worse than inflation as it is harder to turn around. [Over] the past 10 years - when retailers (not just supermarkets) have been constantly reducing prices even when costs have increased - we were potentially making things difficult economically. So why were the authorities so reluctant to regulate?”