Freshinfo pollsters believe the UK industry undervalues research and development.
Some 76 per cent of those responding to last week’s poll think R&D is undervalued by the fresh produce sector, 15 per cent disagree and nine per cent do not know.
“No sensible... grower undervalues R&D, but our UK R&D base has been all but destroyed due to successive government cuts since 1984,” said one respondent. “The crass decisions by Whitehall will return to bite us all when climate change really begins to bite.”
Brian McGillivray, an independent consultant, agrees in part. “Without innovation we would be living in the dark ages,” he wrote on freshinfo this week. “The British have always been good at research, but latterly lacking the resources to take it forward. There is already a new brain drain taking place, especially within the scientific community.”
But there could be a rude awakening around the corner, he added. “Up until now, with food in abundant supply, it has never been a governmental priority.”
And Mark Long said: “Development of new products introduces more guidelines and legal processes for growers and suppliers. The focus should be on the return the suppliers receive from the supermarkets. This would allow the R&D to progress, rather than be forced.”