Poland is set to play on its traditional agricultural strengths with the launch of a new organic range by leading exporters Nawrot.
The company has joined forces with producers to offer a range of organic fruit and vegetables which it is hoping to export to markets like the UK, said its president, Ireneusz Nawrot.
“We’re only really starting out, but we have a number of growers on board,” he told FPJ at Fruit Logistica in Berlin last week.
He said the potential for growing organics in Poland was considerable due to the amount of suitable land. “There are huge areas of land that have not been used for intensive agricultural production, it is not contaminated in anyway and is ideal for organics.”
However, he also believes another key advantage for the country, when it comes to marketing its organic produce, will be its less modern production methods.
“When we joined the EU people laughed at our traditional methods, like having someone in the field pushing the plough, but that non-intensive, environmentally friendly methods sits well with organic production.”
The company is now looking for interest in the UK market and said the production would be fully accredited to acceptable organic standards.