Home-grown poinsettias have arrived in Waitrose ahead of a Christmas rush on the flower.
Grown in Bordonhill Nurseries in Stratford-upon-Avon by Sarah Cooke, the flowers are on sale in a selection of ceramic pots, planters and troughs ranging in price from £2.49 to £9.99.
The product is now the UK’s most popular plant after the orchid, generating £12 million in the lead up to Christmas last year and a seven per cent increase on the previous year.
It has been forecast that volumes this Christmas will reach between 3.3m and 3.5m units.
Waitrose buyer Tracey Telford said: “Being home grown, our finished full grown poinsettias benefit from the shorter transport chain which means they will last longer at home. Poinsettias continue to be the quintessential Christmas plant and are growing in popularity every year.”
The flowers are potted in July and August and the first poinsettias will make hit Waitrose earlier this month.