As part of its ongoing efforts to help produce industry members to address challenges to the industry’s food safety record, the Produce Marketing Association (PMA) will offer a series of workshops on food safety topics at its 2007 Fresh Summit International Convention and Exposition, in Houston on October 12-15.

The industry education workshops are part of a multimillion dollar, multifaceted food safety program that was adopted by PMA’s board at the 2006 Fresh Summit, after a series of deadly food-borne illness outbreaks and product recalls were linked to US-grown leafy greens. PMA’s programme includes industry training and outreach, consumer communications, and scientific research including $2 million to help establish the Center for Produce Safety at University of California at Davis.

“We are committed to doing whatever it takes to protect public health and rebuild consumer confidence in the delicious, healthful products our members grow and market,” said PMA vice president of government relations and public affairs Kathy Means. “These Fresh Summit workshops are but one example of our efforts to give our industry the tools it needs for this modern reality.”

Topics include: Traceability: choice or necessity?; Food safety: change is in the air, everywhere; Inside the minds of retailers and consumers; and Put new food safety technologies to work for you.

For more information about the 2007 Fresh Summit International Convention & Exposition, visit
