Prime Minister David Cameron has announced that the Home Office will assumeresponsibility for the Gangmasters Licensing Authority (GLA) with immediate effect.
The change has been welcomed by GLA chief executive Paul Broadbent, who described itas 'a natural step'.
He said: “The GLA is pleased to move under the umbrella of the Home Office. We viewit as a positive development and it is welcomed.”
Two years ago the GLA was instructed by the Government – through its Red TapeChallenge review – to reduce the bureaucratic burden on business and concentratemore on the most severe extremes of worker exploitation.
Broadbent added: “In refocusing our efforts we are uncovering more and morecases of vulnerable people being trafficked into the UK by organised criminals with theintention of making handsome but entirely unlawful and immoral profits. However, I
stress this is not to the detriment of the civil regulatory powers we exercise, which wecontinue to carry out in equal measure.'
To tackle the problems associated with modern slavery, the GLA works regularly withthe National Crime Agency and its UK Human Trafficking Centre, as well as local policeforces – all organisations within the remit of the Home Office.
“This is a logical move that can only lead to a more effective, joined-up approach in thefight against those driven by greed who seek to exploit workers,” Broadbent said.
The GLA was formed following the Morecambe Bay cockling disaster of 2004, when 23Chinese workers drowned after being cut off by the fast-rising tides.
The authority regulates companies that provide workers for agriculture, horticulture,shellfish gathering and all associated processing and packaging. Previously, Defra wasthe host government department.