Excess humidity during pollination is reducing the volume of plums available from Chile. According to the Chilean Fresh Fruit Association – Europe, Black Beaut and Red Beaut have registered decreases of 57 per cent and 38 per cent respectively compared to the high volume season of 2000-01. 'The decrease in volumes of plums is set against extremely high volumes last season,' said a spokesman. '[These were] 80 per cent up in Europe on the previous year, and should therefore balance the situation out.' The end of last season was spoiled by oversupply in Europe. 'A reduction in the volume of plums from Chile will not be a bad thing for exporters or markets alike,' the association said.
Meanwhile, on other stone fruit lines, early forecasts also point to a reduction in overall volumes of peaches compared with 2000-01, and a similar story for early varieties of nectarine.
The grape harvest is in full swing and a slight increase in volume from the Copiapó Valley is forecast compared to last season. Increased sendings of Flame Seedless and Red Globe account for most of the hike in volume. The harvest of Thompson Seedless is finished in most of the valley and is likely to show an end of season tally similar to that of last season.
Harvesting is at an earlier stage further south with region IV showing a 30 per cent decline in volume overall compared to the same point last season due to a delay to the start of picking.